Saturday, March 20, 2010


Funny, I sit here watching a MJ special on the FUSE channel (never heard of it) but the special is just awesome. I mean watching MJ puts a smile on my face. Why? Well that was back in the days when everything was just 'easy' LOL!
Watching Thriller is just awesome! Have always loved that vid. Such a shame and waste that his life was cut short. He had more talent and creativity than he could outwardly express.

Some days I feel like that. I mean I have so many things, ideas etc. and just want to make them all happen! I guess I will be making strides in that direction for this year. Last year was a 'trying' year. Trying to make it work, trying to be in love, trying to be loved. Thinking that I might have wasted another year with the trying.

Well off to cook the dinner that if I was on my own I would only be cooking because I 'wanted' to cook it but not because I feel I 'have' to cook it. Having to have to do things just makes me want to rebel. LOL. Too old to be a teenager........but not to old to finally be ME.

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