Sunday, July 19, 2009

FREE Down and Dirty swiffy cover pattern

Down n dirty swiffy sweep cover

Needle size 9 us
Comfort dk 1/2 skein
Sprinkles 1/2 skein
4 1-1/2" buttons

Co 40 stitches holding dk yarn doubled

K 3 rows, knitting each row (garter st)

K6 sts, Bo 4 sts, k 20 sts, Bo 4, k rem 6 sts turn

K 6sts, co 4, k20, co 4, k rem 6 sts. You just made your button holes!

Garter st next 12 rows

Cut one dk yarn and add sprinkles yarn

Garter st until fuzziness is 5"

Cut sprinkles an pick up second dk again

K 12 rows garter st

Knit back and forth on just 15 sts for 2", Bo

Join yarn at base of first tab, Bo 20 sts

K on rem 15 sts until it is 2" or same as first tab, Bo

Sew 2 buttons back to back on tab and then do the same with the second.

Wrap around your swiffy head and enjoy using reversable, reusable cleaning dusting down and dirty swiffy sweep cover!!


knitwych said...

Cool! I'll have to try this. I knitted one cover for my Swiffer, but when it gets wet, it's too stretchy and it slides off. This pattern looks like it would work wet or dry.

sheep#100 said...

Awesome! I love the fuzziness.

I knit one from the MD book - but it was checked out from the library so it too was a free pattern.